资源方 无尽云2 提供资源 来自孤寂世的笔记
看片小贴士:画面质量从高到低依次为 BD > HD > DVD > HC > TC > TS(偶尔难免片源方所标明资源与实际有误请甄别选择/如电脑端不能播放可切换手机试试/如手机端播放卡可搜索相同资源切换线路试试)
豆瓣评分 /ID:7.0 / 36193658
剧情:《来自孤寂世的笔记》由星辰高清提供免费在线播放,《来自孤寂世的笔记》导演:维埃拉·恰卡涅娃 ,《来自孤寂世的笔记》剧情介绍:An audio-visual postcard that director Viera Čákanyová sends to the future, based on her fictional conversation with her future virtual copy. She playfully and intimately explores the potential of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in solving complex man-made global problems such as climate change or the crisis of parliamentary democracy. From a curious and critical perspective, she questions the ideal techno-optimistic model of the future and offers a window into an unspecified future where some technologies behave randomly or negatively. By combining super 8, 16mm footage on film stock, special lidar scan technology and point cloud methods, she highlights the tension between analogue and digital future of humanity.#27th Ji.hlavaIDFF#Berlinale2023 Forum 不可否认是很当下的观察,然而议题太多且太过复杂,刻意堆砌概念使观影趣味被拉得很低,Found footage和3D扫描出的影像在大多数情况下并不适配过载的文本,因而呈现给观众的是这样一部看似深刻但实则浮光掠影的作品。“生命越来越像一场游戏。” 美如画(虽稍显重复)且同意大部分观点,可以和《新星世》文本配合食用。以及此类 filmmaker 是真爱 Nick Cave hh水灵灵#Berlinale论坛,斯洛伐克 3.5以低质画面探讨世界本质问题,回溯到物质组成的原始,用区块链、比特币显示当代性
看片小贴士:画面质量从高到低依次为 BD > HD > DVD > HC > TC > TS(偶尔难免片源方所标明资源与实际有误请甄别选择/如电脑端不能播放可切换手机试试/如手机端播放卡可搜索相同资源切换线路试试)