豆瓣评分 /ID:0.0 / 30134316
剧情:《圣诞婚礼策划师》由星辰高清提供免费在线播放,《圣诞婚礼策划师》导演:Justin G. Dyck ,《圣诞婚礼策划师》主要演员:内详 ,《圣诞婚礼策划师》剧情介绍:While planning her cousin's lavish wedding, Kelsey Wilson's world is turned upside down when Private Investigator Connor McClean yuankan.cc shows up. Connor, hired by a unnamed source, disrupts the upcoming nuptials but manages to win Kelsey's heart. Wedding Planner, Kelsey Wilson, is about to have her big break: planning her beloved cousin's lavish and exclusive wedding. Everything is going smoothly until Connor McClane, a devilishly handsome private investigator, shows up and turns Kelsey's world upside-down. Hired by a secret source, Connor quickly disrupts the upcoming nuptials but wins Kelsey's heart in the process.网飞上看的,发现加拿大很喜欢做这种圣诞电影哈哈哈,男女主的演技真的蛮幽默的,但是对于hallmark还能要求些什么呢?看到绯闻女孩的Lily好惊喜太。。。太烂了吧!这女主的演技我隔着屏幕看我都尴尬!还是说这是拍给小学生看的?最后是什么鬼!反正里面有宾客,我们就顺便结个婚?No.2764 最后直接借用人家的婚礼现场是我没想到的可爱小故事吧,更像电视剧的一集,不像一部电影。