豆瓣评分 /ID:6.0 / 35452692
剧情:《伦敦钉子炸弹案:全面缉凶》由星辰高清提供免费在线播放,《伦敦钉子炸弹案:全面缉凶》导演:内详 ,《伦敦钉子炸弹案:全面缉凶》主要演员:内详 ,《伦敦钉子炸弹案:全面缉凶》剧情介绍:This documentary tells the story of the 1999 London bombings that targeted minority communities, and the race to find the far-right extremist behind them.卧底小哥作为一个默默立功的平民英雄来说戏份有点稀缺啊片中有个镜头爆炸现场祭奠得花圈中有一张纸条写着:As a black man and a gay man I defy fascism. Let this be a lesson to us all to be vigilant against all bigotry and intolerance. 印象深刻。心中充满仇恨就无法享受生活的美好。反对一切极端主义。生命是如此脆弱,确实像幸存者说的那样,即使找到凶手,也将凶手绳之以法,可是有什么值得庆祝的呢?人的一生浪费了。多少人失去生命失去活着的乐趣。战争,贫穷,人性的恶,永远存在,无奈但这又是现实,总是有人偏激执拗。电影最后,有人也是心如明镜,回家喝杯啤酒,依然感恩,向阳而生吧。比比的啥呀…the first two dudes at the pub are comedy gold at retelling their stories. the rat dream is trippy and why they decided to include that bit with this style? no idea other than just being stylish. i like the fact that i wouldn’t remember who this fucker nail bomber is after watching it but only how in vain and pointless this kind of violence is