豆瓣评分 /ID:9.2 / 6511008
剧情:《万能管家第四季》由星辰高清提供免费在线播放,《万能管家第四季》导演:费迪南德·费尔法克斯 ,《万能管家第四季》主要演员:Hugh Laurie Stephen Fry ,《万能管家第四季》剧情介绍:Bertie is back in New York and enamoured of portrait painter Gwladys Pendlebury but Aunt Agatha is not enamoured of the painting of her Bertie commissioned and she is even more annoyed when her wayward twin sons, charged to Bertie's care before being shipped off for colonial posts, give him the slip to pursue a cabaret singer. Tuppy Glossop arrives to sell his family recipe for cock-a-leekie to soup magnate Slingsby to finance his nuptials to Elizabeth but slimy ad man Lucius Pim steals Gwladys from Bertie and makes Aunt Agatha the unwitting face of Slingsby's soups on every billboard in New York.少爷是我见过最可爱的傻瓜,四季总结下来就是舍不得Bertie和Jeeves鸡飞狗跳的无事忙生活,各位,咱们第一季见。相识相知相……的四季……每次被女人缠住了都得Jeeves来解救,Bertie你还没意识到谁是真爱吗。四季太少6集太短啊哦,Jeeves,如果没有你我该怎么办?我不知道,先生。最后一季难得看到Jeeves为了帮助Bertie 失去往常冷静的 大叫起来。一口气刷完,感觉后面演员换得越来越不讨喜,各种女配里面只有女汉子Honoria比较可爱。印象中最好笑的有法国厨子,奶油壶,black minstrel,还有两位令人难忘的女装。ps. 里面人物的名字都无比魔性,在看这部剧之前我怎么也想不到Augustus的小名是Gussie,Stephanie的小名是Stiffy,诸如此类。