豆瓣评分 /ID:8.7 / 1449946
剧情:《纽扣战争》由星辰高清提供免费在线播放,《纽扣战争》导演:伊夫·罗贝尔 ,《纽扣战争》主要演员:雅克·迪菲约 伊薇特·埃蒂耶旺 米歇尔·加拉布吕 ,《纽扣战争》剧情介绍:In this gentle anti-war comedy, a class of French schoolboys divides into two factions who begin to battle each other, with the victors claiming the buttons off the clothes of the vanquished. One day, some of the boys pull a strategic coup by running into battle naked, therefore leaving their enemies nothing to steal. However, after this stunning victory, one of their number turns traitor to the other side, helping them plot a secret attack that leaves the recent champions in defeat. The informer is eventually found out and punished for his crimes, so he takes the matter to a higher authority and tells his parents he's been beaten up by bullies. Soon Mom and Dad are making trouble for their son's schoolmates, with the culprits facing a stay in juvenile hall. - Mark Deming, All Movie Guide这部1962年的法国儿童片 黑白色调和充满年代印记的运镜让我第一时间就想起了1963年出品的优秀国片《小兵张嘎》那些属于孩子特有的欢乐记忆 不打不相识的没心没肺 连同自行车在乡间小路上响过的叮铃声 一起沉淀在岁月的掌心里打打打 那个年代的小孩玩得够high的真实,生动,可爱,现实,我小时候也被大人让喝酒睡着了....感觉是1994年 the war 剧本来源 La.guerre.des.boutons.1962.1080p.BluRay.x264.Hun-Jethro 被老公拉着看了62年的老版,确实挺可爱。但更让我觉得可爱的是老公看这部老电影时开心的样子,一定是唤起了童年的回忆,估计就跟咱们今天重看“小兵张嘎”,“鸡毛信”的情形差不多。7.9 战争的形式在不断升级,从石器到一战,中间有段真实的战争武器乱入,可以视为核战,那颗炸弹爆炸后双方和好如初,目前的大人就是曾经的孩子,那段最恐怖的是,战争似乎永远不会结束