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正片黄秋生 成奎安 《伊波拉病毒》讲述古惑仔鸡因与大佬之老婆通Jian,被大佬捉到,索性将二人杀死鸡成通缉犯到南非一中餐馆。鸡在出外采购途中Jian杀了一名昏迷的黑人少女,可是被杀的少女已患上可怕疫症-伊波拉,鸡由此感染
伊波拉病毒伦理正片艾米拉·盖德斯 Maria Menezes Zezita Matos 21岁的女子赫米拉(Hermila Guedes 饰)曾自认是世界上最幸福的女人,温柔的丈夫和可爱的儿子构成她生命的全部。但完美的事物从来不存于世。丈夫的失踪让赫米拉的世界崩塌,也直接断掉了这对母子的
天空中的苏丽剧情伦理7.0正片圣地亚哥·瑟古拉 玛莉安吉拉·佐洛达罗 Aldo Sambrell ;巴比杀手”是一个到处演出的乐队,他们经常开着汽车循环演出。有一次,他们误入了一座黑色的森林。车子抛锚了,被迫到附近一个城堡中借宿。岂料,堡中主人是长生不老,靠吸年轻人的血液来维持
《尖叫的高跟鞋》正片由星辰高清提供免费在线播放,《尖叫的高跟鞋》导演:Jason ,《尖叫的高跟鞋》主要演员:琳妮·奎格蕾 布琳克·史蒂文斯 蜜雪儿·鲍尔 ,《尖叫的高跟鞋》剧情介绍:Three girls living in Los Angeles, CA in the 1980s found cult fame when they"accidentally" transitioned from models to B-movie actresses, coinciding with the major direct-to-video horror film boom of the era. Known as"The Terrifying Trio," Linnea Quigley (The Return of the Living Dead), Brinke Stevens (The Slumber Party Massacre) and Michelle Bauer (The Tomb), headlined upwards of ten films per year, fending off men in rubber monster suits, pubescent teenage boys, and deadly showers. They joined together in campy cult films like Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-a-Rama (1988) and Nightmare Sisters (1987). They traveled all over the world, met President Reagan, and built mini-empires of trading cards, comic books, and model kits. Then it all came crashing down. This documentary remembers these actresses - and their most common collaborators - on how smart they were to play stupid.WK里面介绍了很多很经典的B片和科幻片,还有就是以前的B片女主都蛮敬业的,基本上都有露点戏……纪录片已收幕后花絮